Money Minimalist Case Money Minimalist Case

M15 - Your 2024 Money Fortune (Based on Action)

Take action on minimalist living habits. From decluttering your mind, you’ll be financially advised, wealth well managed and luck in the money game.

Take action on minimalist living habits. From decluttering your mind, you’ll be financially advised, wealth well managed and luck in the money game.

Have you ever felt broken? Or feel like the hard-earned money is flown out like a liquid? And you’re praying for winning a lottery or big prize like magic?

It’s a waste of precious time in your life! If you want to have good luck with your money fortune in 2024, look no further than begging and overthinking, start with us today about minimalist living tips and financial advisory at the same time.

In this Minimalist Case blog post, Natu is going to share with you what’s really in her everyday wallet as a minimalist to inspire you to declutter your mind and live simpler lives together. Of course, just keeping these things in your wallet doesn’t instantly bring wealth and money fortune to you, but it’s all about mindset shifting. Declutter your mind, simplify your living.

Becoming a Minimalist, Wealth Approached

As Natsu has been a minimalist for years, I realized my mind is cluttered-free and I can live with intention with what’s really meant for my life and life-long goal. I know the process of building my own wealth based on what I’m doing every single day, spend as it’s importance and need rather than catching the new trend.

Of one minimalist living ingredient is to responsibility on wealth management for your own, and the 6 things below are things I always keep in my minimalist wallet and here, a financial advisory I’d love to share with you if you tend to become a minimalist and want to create your own money fortune based on your action - not hoping.

What is kept in a wallet for Wealthier You?

Since Natsu is living a minimalist life, her personal belongings are less than ever before. Here are some items you should consider in and not in your wallet. This might vary from person to person, but the principle is just only necessary (not important) items and you will find your mind is cluttered-free!

We have listed 7 items you may keep in your wallet, the first 5 items are things we think mandatory, and the rest 2, are just options.

01 - Cash or Debit Card

Minimalist Wallet - Minimalist Case

Not only becoming a minimalist or not, cash is king! LOL

Though today is a credit card accepted society, sometimes cash is only the way to get you going.

Keep a minimum amount you think it should cover any expense to get you home in the period of time. Bank notes may rest in peace in a wallet while coins should be in a small pocket. It’s easy to use and safe when you’re in public.

02 - Credit Card

Minimalist Wallet - Minimalist Case

Using a credit card anytime you make a purchase is doubling your benefits. Credit cards offer point collection and good deals at the same time, while cash is just what you take out.

Natsu has a separate savings account to get a transfer right after I spend by credit cards. For example, when I pay 1,000 THB with my card, I transfer cash to the account. This helps me ensure every time I spend by card, my cash is also reduced and helps me keep an eye on my spending habits. Then I use those collected amounts to pay the card on its billing cycle.

03 - Identification Card

It’s mandatory! Think about the worst case. If you face any accident, people can know who you are and contact your family. 

04 - Insurance Card

Same to the above one. You may have a digital version in your smartphone for easy use, but don’t forget that if you're injured you can't communicate.

05 - Access Card

This can be a key, or room card. Keep them minimal and less. If you have more than 1 key for access, keep with yourself only the large one.

06 - Transportation Card

Just to keep moving fast without lining up.

You May Also Want to Read

My minimalist living core idea is to keep things less and it’s basic importance. As one of wealth management, start easy to day with just taking control of your wallet. This financial advisory is helping you keep an eye on what you’ve spent and what you’re about to spend. Knowing exactly about your money is the first step of money fortune by taking action from now, 2024.

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